服饰搭配网 » 服饰问答 » 经营/营销/开店/批发 » 店铺运作 » 我想开一家属于自己的服装店英文怎么说?


我想开一家属于自己的服装店英文怎么说? 我来答
my clothes store
I have a dream that in the future to open a clothing store of their own, sound equipment, a comfortable environment for people, not very high, is sufficient.
in my mind, clothing stores, not just the production of clothing, only to the people of the united states and a reflection of my thinking is, i have to let everyone through their clothing did not reflect all confident, happy life, happy to spend every day in order to put on clothing to change views.
i am confident that i will succeed, i will change the meaning of clothing, but to reflect all of the united states.



i am confident that i will succeed, i will change the meaning of clothing, but to reflect all of the united states.译文 我有一个梦想,将来开一家自己的服装店,设备完善,环境舒适,对人来说,不是很高,就...
开一家属于自己的服装店 译成英文 谢…
hold a clothes store of one's own ,应该这样翻译才可以~麻烦采纳,谢谢!
Come and buy your clothes at our great sale!We sell all our clothes at very good prices.Do you like sweaters?We have green sweaters for only $15! Yellow sweaters are only $12!Do you need trousers?For ...
能不能帮我写个 【我的梦想是开一家服装店,这样就可以每天穿不同的漂亮衣服】为中心的,英文谢谢
My dream is to open a clothing store, so you can wear different beautiful clothes every day.Speaking of set up shop, in fact, on my own is also good, the annual money will save a lot of clothes, bu...
My dream is to have a dress boutique of my own within 10 years.My dream is to have my own clothing store within 10 years.服装店 可译为 dress shop,clothing store 或 dress boutique 我觉得 dress boutique ...