服饰搭配网 » 服饰问答 » 流行/时尚/搭配 » 穿衣搭配 » 去逛街买衣服和老板讨价还价的英语对话,一定给好滴.


去逛街买衣服和老板讨价还价的英语对话,一定给好滴. 我来答
Hello,I'd like to check out that coat.
小贩 Here you go.
爱德华 Not bad.How much is it?
小贩 800 hundred yuan.No bargaining.
爱德华 Come on.I know you often charge foreigners much more than Chinese.A friend of mine bought this coat for 100 yuan.
小贩 He must have showed you another coat.
爱德华 If so,I will go and find the one he was telling me about.
小贩 All right,I can give you a discount.I'll give it to you for 100.
爱德华 That's quite a discount.
1、Hey,don't try to rip me off.I know what this is worth.别想宰我,我识货.
2、Can you give me a little deal on this?这能卖得便宜一点吗?
3、Can you give me this for cheaper?能便宜一点给我吗?
4、Is there any discount on bulk purchases?我多买些能打折吗?
5、Give me a discount.给我打个折吧.
6、How much do you want for this?这件东西你想卖多少钱?
7、If you don't give me a better price,I won't buy this.如果价格不更优惠些,我是不会买的.
8、I can get this cheaper at other places.这样东西我在别的地方可以买到更便宜的.
9、What's the lowest you're willing to go?最低你能出什么价?
10、Come on,give me a break on this.别这样,你就让点儿价吧.
一、Hello, I'd like to check out that coat.您好,麻烦看看那件上衣。小贩 Here you go.给您。爱德华 Not bad. How much is it?不错。多少钱?小贩 800 hundred yuan. No bargaining.一口价,八百。爱德华 Come on. I know you often charge foreigners much more than Chinese. A friend...
买东西的英语对话,初一 60词 要有货物的价格 数量 还要讨价还价
with our company. i can give you a这已经很便宜了,由于你是我们的老顾客,我可以给你九折优惠。B:how about 15% discount?打八五折怎么样?A: ah sorry ,the discount of 10% is the lowest price i can give you ?不好意思,打九折是我们的最低价了。B:alright ,i will take it ...
爱德华 Come on. I know you often charge foreigners much more than Chinese. A friend of mine bought this coat for 100 yuan.得了。我知道你们一见外国人就要高价。我一个朋友也买了这件衣服,才花了一百。小贩 He must have showed you another coat.他的肯定不是这件。爱德华 If so, I...
Zo: haggle 就是讨价还价,只有在这种地方,才有机会和摊主谈谈价钱。不过可别杀价太狠了。Helen: Well I hope you now know more about the famous second hand market in London -- Portobello Market.Zo: 波多贝露市集, 伦敦最有名的古董二手货市场。Helen: So until the next time, it’s ...
我妈妈在买衣服时与服务员讨价还价的英语翻译 与bargain with sb about st
My mother bargained with the salesclerk about the clothes