
金九福是国际知名的集设计、生产、加工、销售为一体的专业珠宝首饰品牌。受国际钻石统、售机构的支持,以成熟完善的品质管理体系,成为目前国际、国内实力雄厚的优秀珠宝品牌之一。 香港是金九福品牌的创建地,香港金九福是金九福品牌的国际市场推广机构,是金九福与国际交流的平台;北京金九福是金九福品牌内地市场的开拓与建设机构,专业的团队为品牌运营提供全面支持;深圳金九福是金九福货品设计、加工、生产中心,专业的技术和设备为产品提供可靠的质量保证。 金九福目前已拥有数百家阵容强大的连锁加盟队伍;是国内珠宝界较早通过ISO9001(2000)国际质量管理体系认证的企业,并荣获中国著名品牌(重点推广单位)、中国诚信品牌、全国消费者用户满意企业等多项荣誉。金九福还是中华全国工商联金银珠宝商会会员单位、中国珠宝玉石首饰行业协会理事单位、《中国宝玉石》杂志社协办单位,与美国GIA,英国FGA、国家首饰质量监督检测中心等机构建立了广泛的质量监控、技术培训和咨询等业务联系,让顾客享受到360度的质量保障和专业服务。 “弘扬珠宝文化,缔造时尚生活”,金九福一直致力于钻石文化的推广和传播,不遗余力的全方位提升品牌价值。真诚九保(保真、保质、保价、保换、保退、保租、保修、保洗、保送),是珠宝业界最为全面的售后服务体系。 金九福志存高远,本着“质量是发展之本,诚信是发展之源”的宗旨,遵循“诚信合作,共同发展”的加盟经营理念,以厚积薄发的品牌力量,成熟完善的连锁经营模式,实现加盟店与公司的共赢。 面向未来,金九福以打造百年优秀品牌为动力,以向客户提供卓越的产品和服务为目标,全面建设和提升品牌,成为国际领先的珠宝品牌! 热忱欢迎各界人士加盟金九福,共创美好未来。 Jinjiufu is a world-famous diamond brand, specialized in designing, manufacturing, processing and selling the diamond decoration. Under the support of International Selling Organization of diamond, the mature and complete quality management system allows the brand to be one of strong and excellent diamond brands internationally and domestically now. HongKong is birthplace of Jjinjiufu brand, Jinjiufu of HongKong is the international marketing promotion organization of Jinjiufu brand, and is the stage of international communion. Jinjiufu of Beijing is the organization of internal marketing exploiting and building, the brand operation has comprehensive support from professional team; Jinjiufu of Shenzhen is the center of goods design, progressing and manufacturing, with the professional technology and equipment providing solid quality guarantee for products. Jinjiufu Company owns hundreds of strong-lineup chain franchise teams; it has got the certification of ISO9001(2000)of international quality management system earlier and has been awarded Brand Name Products Made in China (important unit for expanding all over the world, China Good Faith Brand, National Consumer-Satisfaction Enterprise, etc. Jinjiufu is also a member unit of Jewelry Chamber of Commerce of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, director unit of Gems and Jewelry Trade Association of China, joint-organizer of the magazine of China Gems and Jades. It also established broad quality monitoring, technical training and consultation and other businesses with many institutions, such as American CIA, English FGA and National Jewelry Quality Supervision and Detection center of China, which enables the customers to enjoy 360-degree quality guarantee and professional service. “Jewellery culture nurtures fashion life”, Jinjiufu is bending itself to spreading of jeweler culture and upgrading the brand value of Jinjiufu. Nine-guarantee promise (guarantee truth, quality, price, change, return, rent, repair, washing and delivery is the comprehensive system of after service. Jinjiufu has the object and goal desired. With the tenet of “quality is the root of development and good faith is the resource of development”, complying with franchise operation idea of “cooperate with good faith and develop together”. With brand force of spurring with long accumulation, mature and perfect chain operation model, Jinjiufu shall realize the win-win of franchise stores and the company. Face to future, with the motivity of fashion Jinjiufu into century brand, the goal of offering excellent product and service, building and promoting the brand, Jinjiufu will become to international advanced brand. We shall welcome people of all walks of life to join Jinjiufu and to create a bright future together.
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