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你喜欢的服装是什么用英语说说 我来答
What's your favorite clothes?
What style clothes do you like?
What kind of clothes do you like?
What is your favorite dress
what's your favourite clothes ?
What's your favourite clothes ?
my favoite clothes are.......
what's your favourite clothes ?
我急要一篇四年级的英语作文,以“My Clothes"为题,介绍你衣服的种类和颜色,说说你喜欢穿什么衣服。
Can you tell me?我的衣服 我有许多衣服。我非常喜欢它们。它们是一件T恤衫,一件夹克衫,一件衬衫和一条短裤。这个T恤衫是我的最爱。我也喜欢这条短裤。我最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。因此我的衣服都是蓝色。你喜欢这些种类...
你最喜欢的服装是哪些? 英语翻译
what kind of clothes are your favorite?
我最喜欢的服装和颜色 英语作文
I have more clothes.I like them very much.They are a T-shirt ,a jacket ,a shirt and a pair of shorts.The T-shirt is my favorite.I also like the pair of shorts.My favorite color is bule.So my c...
英语作文:你喜欢什么样的服装  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 如何缓解焦虑情绪? 匿名用户 2014-06-07 展开全部 追答 追问 谢谢学姐 本回答由提问者推荐 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 为你推荐: ...
not having done it tidy yet. I hold a collar chatted. Clothes penetrate the tidy once small tiny smile of handsome boy in my opposite mirror. This piece of clothes be in a fix really!希望能帮到你~